Video Series Content / Vlog

The Final Click Marketing Show Ep. 7: How to Apply Process to Your Marketing

September 1, 2020

In this episode, Kacie is with us to discuss one of my favorite things to do with clients, and that is creating and laying down a marketing process, which is so vital for continued growth.

Getting Started (2:26)

Why creating a process is important and helpful.

Start with identifying what your business needs out of marketing.

The role social media should play in your business.

What is your central theme?

The importance of consistent messaging throughout customer journey.

Prioritizing Marketing Channels (12:10)

Need to know where your target market is located online.

Create a process to test channels and messages.

Find content that moves people through your sales funnel.

The Power of Process (15:50)

Process creates growth.

Impacts multiple facets of the business.

If you’re not good at process, outsource it.

Marketing is More Than Creative (17:40)

It involves data and needs organization.

Process brings creative and data together.

Don’t get distracted by vanity metrics.

The Evolution of Media (20:12)

Find the format to let your business voice and tone shine.

Consumers evolve quickly so your messaging needs to as well.

How things have changed in your favor.

Content Creation Process (22:20)

Involve members from your team.

Consistent content development and distribution plan.

Be realistic about what is feasible for your business.

Quality over quantity.

A good process enables an increase in frequency.

The Evaluation Process (31:15)

Review your digital analytics every Monday morning.

Reviewing stats will help you refine your process and formula.

What changes need to be made immediately?

Pay attention to customer reviews.

Your Process Will Evolve (38:11)

Start with what you enjoy doing consistently.

You’ll know when you need help to do more.

Process helps you to be more cost-effective.

Find tools to optimize your efficiency.

6 Google Analytics Reports to Transform Your MarketingFree Guide
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