Video Series Content / Vlog

The Final Click Marketing Show Ep. 8: Dealing with Overwhelm & Anxiety Over Marketing

September 8, 2020

In this episode, Kacie is with us to talk how to deal with feeling overwhelmed or anxious about your marketing efforts. This is a common issue, especially how media has changed. This conversation is for personal brands, small businesses just starting out, and even large enterprise corporations.

How Media Has Changed (1:27)

Digital media is growing and dividing.
Nuances of each channel creates overwhelm.
Break through the noise with your unique voice.

Be True to Yourself/Your Business (4:52)

Marketing is now specialized.
Start with a narrow focus.
Understand your customer and their journey.
The balance of being strategic and real.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Your Competition (12:28)

Risk of becoming homogenous.
Beware of the templates; find what works for you.
What’s the personality of your business/organization?
Developing a brand personality takes patience.
Trust the process of growth.

Avoid Analysis Paralysis (17:40)

Just start and test and refine as needed.
There is no growth in doing nothing.
Don’t take things personally.

Leadership Matters (20:50)

Give your team rope to grow.
The culture of your company comes out in your marketing.
The importance of letting go of control.
Get your team on the right path by setting clear objectives and goals.
Does your team have the right tools in place?
Empower your team to have their own ideas.

Quiet the Noise (27:15)

Don’t let outside distractions influence what you want.
The temptation to deviate from your plan because of one incident.
The balance of being action-oriented and strategic.

Just Start (35:00)

View your start as practice.
Creating quality content is always valuable.
Importance of social proof.

Settling into a Process (39:30)

Organization quiets the overwhelm.
You don’t need to be everywhere.
Develop a good base and then expand your reach.

Your Distribution Should Contain Some Form of Digital (44:00)

You need to be where the people are.
You choose how you want to access them.
Do what feels comfortable to you.
What can you realistically do consistently?

How do you grow? (46:00)

Increase distribution.
Add another niche or sub-niche.
Market to more audience segments.
Offer support services.

Understand yourself and your personality (55:55)

Human Design
People Map
Everyone is unique and valuable

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