Case study

Multi-Location Pain Management Provider in Georgia

This pain management provider entity wanted to grow its patient base and number of locations. However, it lacked a marketing direction, didn’t know how to effectively prospect within its target markets, and its website wasn’t optimized to drive conversions.



Increase in new leads

1 to 15

New locations

Educational Digital Ads and Website Content Drive Conversions

We created educational marketing campaigns that focused on what pain management is, what pain management providers can do for patients, and how it differs from other specialties like chiropractic and physical therapy. Once we curated impactful Google Search ads and reworked the website, we wanted to drive home the message that other more well-known specialties like chiropractic and physical therapy have a stopping point for the care and services they offer.

The Challenge

When we got started, pain management was a relatively new medical practice, so people did not understand where pain management fit into their lives and how it is different then other healthcare practices. 

There was a lack of awareness of the specific pain types, conditions, and procedures that fall within pain management’s full continuum of care.

The client lacked an impactful digital ads campaign to prospect new clients.

The website lacked impactful, relevant content focused on education and how pain management providers could benefit their patients.

The Solution 

Our focus was to optimize their current assets to expand their reach to establish a foundation for the brand, then we capitalized on the momentum to create and distribute better assets on all platforms. 

  1. We first created image-based educational Google Search ads to drive prospective patients to the website.
  2. We optimized the website with diversified education-focused content to drive conversions and gain new patients. 
  3. We leveraged video ads on social media featuring the doctors at the practice, which were hugely successful, as their current patients directly posted positive commentary and testimonials on the ads. 
  4. We established them as a major player in the pain management provider market in their area and leveraged this brand identity to help them expand.


Our marketing strategy increased leads, allowing this client to rapidly expand their practices, establish brand identity, and serve more patients.

  • 37.16% increase in new leads via Google Search ads and META ads
  • Grew from 1 to 15 locations

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