Case study

Paramount Hotel NYC

The property was failing to realize online bookings under its previous ownership. They needed to start from the ground up and completely overhaul their online marketing and revenue strategy. I was able to jump-start revenue for the new owners. Within months, they began to benefit from my aggressive online marketing efforts.



Increase in Website Traffic


Increase in Website Traffic from International Markets


Increase in Online Revenue

Proper Budget Allocation Leads to Big ROI

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Rebranding Expertise Leads to Stellar Profits


Our client, Highgate Holdings, purchased a high-end boutique property located in one of the most competitive hotel markets: Manhattan. Online bookings were weak, and international traffic lagged behind expectations. I partnered with the new owners partnered to maximize online revenue, with a strong focus on international revenue.


I rebuilt Paramount’s digital marketing program from scratch. A mainstay of my strategy was targeting international markets with multilingual campaigns and content, which resulted in spectacular return on investment. Our campaigns greatly outperformed the comp set in the hyper-competitive NYC market. The hotel went from $19,000 per month in direct bookings to approximately $1 million per month within 90 days.


Within one month of rebranding, the hotel was making 50% more revenue than it did under the Gansevoort name.

  • 60% Increase in Website Traffic
  • 123% Increase in Website Traffic from International Markets
  • 228% Increase in Online Revenue

*results within 3 to 12 months of launch

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